Welcome to New Covenant Fellowship International

A Family Church that Cares


New Covenant Fellowship International Exists to build a mega church that is self suffcient to fulfll the great commission – Mat 28:18-20


NCFI Exist to glorify God! Through the power of the Holy Spirit… we boldly present Jesus Christ to all people. Through God’s word, fellowship and prayer.

Core Values

  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Fellowship
  • Servanthood
  • Family

Fullfiling the Great Commission !

churches in rustenburg




Who We Are

We are a church located in Rustenburg, South Africa, with people who are hungry to the things of God. Our Ministry is not only impacting South Africa, but it is also
branching out and touching many nations as we proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a strong burden to reach for the glory of God. By destroying the barriers of division we strive to usher in a spirit of unity among the body of Christ . The bible tell us that it is good and pleasant when brothers and sisters in Christ dwell in unity (Psalm 133:1); this is the will of god concerning the church. By following this vision and mandate from God are seeing God move like never before in our ministry and the life of believers

About the senior Pastors

Welcome to New Covenant Fellowship International (NCFI), the Family Church that Cares!

Founded by the late Bishop Mokgope and Queen Mother Messina Mokgope, NCFI is a megachurch that focuses on being self-sustaining while meeting the needs of the community. Our mission is to provide a spiritual home that is welcoming, inclusive, and supportive – a place where families can grow in their faith and find healing, hope, and acceptance.

Pastor Isaac Jnr and Ginah Mokgope

our ministries

Explore Our Ministries

Become part or the vision. Find a ministry that you can join and be part of as you voluntarily serve in the house of God.



When it comes to men’s ministry, the three greatest words on the planet are, Men’s Leadership Team. Nothing can withstand the strength of a group of men that come together to achieve a common goal. Especially when the goal is help guide and activate men into their specific purpose. 



Successful women’s ministry, you should strongly consider establishing one. A ladies ministry is essential as it allows women who attend church to get the companionship they need to enrich their personal and spiritual lives. It also functions to provide spiritual education and advice for women …



NCFI Youth Ministry’s vision is to To raise the true sons and daughters of God who will manifest godliness in every area of life in this generation. Preaching, demonstrating, living and teaching about
the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy


Do you want to get in touch with us? We have few ways of doing that which are email, phone call, whatsapp or visit our premise. 

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